How to Get a Free Phone & Choose the Right Provider

How To Get A Free Phone

Internet-enabled smartphones are essential for staying connected with family, looking for work, paying bills, staying informed, and a whole load of other essentials. The problem is that they’re expensive, especially for low-income individuals or people participating in SNAP, Medicaid, or similar federal programs. 

The good news is that there are initiatives that help people access this vital technology for free or at least at a significant discount. You might be disappointed if you expect a brand-new free iPhone or top-of-the-range Samsung handset. However, providers like enTouch provide premium, brand-new Android phones for customers who qualify for particular government programs.

So, if you’re wondering how to get a new phone for free, you’ve come to the right place.

How to apply for a free government phone plan and free phone

Before we tell you where to get free phones and how to get free service, you need to check if you are eligible for one of two federal programs. Here’s how you can determine your eligibility.

Check your eligibility

Knowing how to apply for a government phone benefit requires awareness of two primary initiatives: The Lifeline Program and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

Let’s look at each individually.

The Lifeline Program

Lifeline is a federal program that provides qualified citizens a monthly benefit of up to $9.25 for their phone or internet service. 

How to apply for a government phone through the Lifeline program

Applying for the Lifeline program is simple. You can go through National Verifier or a participating phone service provider, like enTouch Wireless. 

You can qualify in two different ways, either by income or existing participation in other government programs.


To qualify for the service, your income must be 135% or less than the legal poverty guidelines in your state. Check the consumer eligibility for your state here.

Participation in other programs

You may be eligible for a free phone if you are already participating in specific government programs. Here are some of the programs that qualify you for Lifeline.

  • SSI
  • SNAP
  • FPHA
  • Medicaid
  • Various Tribal based programs like HeadStart, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Once you’re sure you’re eligible, you can apply for Lifeline in one of three ways:

  • Apply online
  • Apply by mail
  • Apply through your existing phone or internet service provider.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

Awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is crucial if you want to know how to get free cell phone service without paying. The ACP provides a discount of up to $30 on broadband services. However, that number can go up to $75 for eligible customers living on Tribal lands.

How to apply for a government phone through ACP 

Before you apply for the ACP, you should check your eligibility here. The criteria here include making 200% or below of the federal poverty standard or participation in one of the following:

  • Lifeline
  • Medicaid
  • SSI
  • WIC
  • FPHA
  • PBRA
  • Receiving Pell Grant for the current year

Once you’re sure you’re eligible, you can apply for ACP in one of three ways:

  • Apply online
  • Apply by mail
  • Apply through your existing internet service provider.

What do you need to apply for a free government phone plan?

Eligibility criteria aside, if you want to get free government phone service, you’ll need to provide some details and documentation. 

Here’s what you’ll need to provide:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • An Identity document such as a driver’s license, passport, military ID, tribal ID number, or SSN.

Furthermore, to prove you qualify for these programs, you’ll need to show additional documents. 

For Lifeline or ACP, you’ll need to send one of the following:

  • A tax return 
  • Your last three payslips
  • An official letter that confirms your participation in one of the qualifying government programs

Choose the right provider

As mentioned above, your existing phone or internet service provider may be signed up to Lifeline or ACP. In that case, your application will already be in action. However, not every carrier or internet provider participates in these programs, so applying for a free or discounted government phone and service contract may require switching providers.

Choosing the right provider also depends on your state. Not every provider offers options that allow you to get a free phone. Take Ohio, for example; you may be eligible for a Free* Phone in Ohio!enTouch operates in over 38 states, so check here to see if your state offers this option.


Choosing the Right Plan

Select a service plan that complements your lifestyle after determining your eligibility for a free or discounted phone. Take advantage of this time to evaluate how you use your phone every day. This step is as crucial as the phone choice because it shapes how you use your device and connect with the world. Here are tips to guide you on how to get a free phone plan:

Consider Your Coverage Needs

Selecting a provider that can provide free talk and data services with robust coverage in your area is crucial. enTouch Wireless stands out by offering expansive near country-wide 4G coverage, ensuring you remain connected on the go. Always verify the coverage maps of potential providers to confirm you’ll receive service at home, work, and other places you regularly visit, maximizing the benefits of free programs.

Assess Your Usage

Consider how you use your phone. Do you make many calls, or are you more of a text and data user? Some plans offer unlimited talk and text but vary in data allowances. If you frequently use the internet, look for plans with higher data limits or unlimited data options to avoid overage charges. Understanding your usage patterns will help you select a plan that fits your needs without paying for unnecessary extras.

Check for Perks

Some plans come with added benefits, such as free subscriptions to streaming services, international calling options, or discounts on additional lines. These perks can add significant value to your plan, especially if they align with services you already use or would like to add. Explore the perks each provider offers to see which could enhance your mobile experience.

Evaluate Customer Service

Don’t forget to research the quality of customer service before signing up for service. There will be times when you need assistance with your account or device. Choosing a provider known for its excellent customer support ensures that any issues you encounter will be resolved swiftly and satisfactorily. Look for providers with multiple channels for customer support, including phone, email, and live chat, to make getting help as convenient as possible.

Who offers free government phone service?

Several businesses participate in these free phone programs. However, the quality of handsets can vary. At enTouch Wireless, we offer our customers premium Android-powered phones to ensure they stay connected.

If you’ve ever wondered, “How can I get a free phone without paying?” but been put off because it was too complicated, click here to check your eligibility and enroll today.

What Kind of Phone Can I Get?

Explore how to get a free phone through enTouch when you qualify for the Lifeline Assistance Program and ACP to open up opportunities for new customers to access essential modern connectivity. These free devices have internet browsing, email, GPS navigation, and access to numerous apps, ensuring connectivity and access to critical services. Knowing where and how to get a free phone with unlimited talk options, a reliable network, and free wireless service can be daunting. enTouch helps you stay connected, catering to your daily digital needs without sacrificing quality or performance.

Why choose EnTouch Wireless?

There are several compelling reasons why you should choose EnTouch to help you get a free government phone and internet service.

  • High-quality free phones: Many service providers participating in Lifeline and ACP don’t offer free smartphones or low-grade options. enTouch delivers the best free premium phones.
  • Excellent coverage: enTouch Wireless has near country-wide 4G coverage
  • Easy apply: Enrolling for Lifeline and/or ACP through enTouch Wireless is user-friendly and simple

You may be eligible for a free phone if you are below a specific income threshold or participate in eligible government programs. EnTouch provides customers with free phones and unlimited data. So enroll today!