What Happened To ACP?

Lifeline Cell Phone Service

What Is Lifeline Service?

Lifeline is an assistance program providing government cell phone service for free to eligible customers in low-income households. This program helps ease the burden of monthly phone bills for qualified individuals and their families by covering the cost of monthly data, texting, and monthly minutes.

Already participating in government assistance programs? You’re at an advantage! If you receive assistance from Medicaid/Medi-Cal, SNAP/CalFresh, or other government assistance programs, or are considered low income, you may be approved for FREE lifeline phone service.*

Enroll Now

*Promotional offer subject to eligibility for Lifeline; may be changed or withdrawn at any time; see plan page details; subject to our Terms and Conditions of Service and Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes.

florida acp
white snap icon

SNAP/Food Stamps

white medicare icon


White SSA

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

white HUD logo


Dollar sign icon

Low Income

Lifeline Phone Service Coverage Map

Lifeline Serviceable States

Am I Eligible For Lifeline Government Phone Service?

So, what is the Lifeline program’s requirements? Qualifying individuals or families simply need to submit eligibility documents and answer a series of questions. In order to receive a mobile device, your household needs to meet the income and program qualification guidelines. Learn more about how to get free government phone service below.

To fully understand the Lifeline program, the following outlines specific participation rules and account procedures for eligible customers. Get complete insight into how to request and gain access to Lifeline government phone service through reputable providers like enTouch. Learn more about how to get free government phone service below.

Qualify by Government Program Use

  • Medicaid / Medi-Cal
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) / CalFresh
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance or Section 8
  • Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)

Qualify by Income

Persons in Household Most States* CA*
1 member $20,331 $23,400
2 members $27,594 $31,700
3 members $34,857 $40,000
4 members $42,120 $48,400
Each Additional Member $7,263 $8,400

Source: U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines Used to Determine Financial Eligibility for Certain Federal Programs, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, January 19, 2024. Based on 135% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines.

*Some states have different income guidelines. To view additional documentation requirements, visit the USAC website here. CA income guidelines effective June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.

If you provide documentation that does not cover a full year (such as current paycheck stubs), you must submit three (3) consecutive months’ worth of the same type of document from the previous twelve months.

enTouch Wireless offers Lifeline phone service in 37 states!

What Do I Need To Apply For Lifeline?

So, what is the Lifeline phone service application process? Here’s what you’ll need to participate. Make your enrollment process easier by providing one item from each section below to apply.

Proof of Identification Options

  • Driver’s License or Passport (unexpired)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of Naturalization or of U.S. Citizenship
  • Permanent Resident or Resident Alien Card (unexpired)

View All Options

Proof of Government Program Participation

  • Current or prior year’s statement of benefits from a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program.

View All Options

Proof of Address

  • Driver’s License, Government, State, or Tribal Issued ID (unexpired)
  • Current Income Statement, Paycheck Stub, or W2
  • Statement of Benefits from a Qualifying Program Which Contains Name And Address
  • Current Mortgage or Lease Statement
  • Utility Bill

All address proof documents must contain your full name, the address matching your application, and be recently dated.
**All three elements listed above must be visible within a single image when enrolling online.

For more information about qualifying programs and the federal Lifeline Program, visit usac.org.

Why Choose enTouch Wireless As Your Lifeline Service Provider?

  • New Premium Cell Phones* From Brands You Trust
  • Large Screen, Android Operating System, Brand New
  • We Beat The Competition In Quality
  • Free Data starting at 4.5GB
  • Unlimited Talk & Text
  • No Contract or Hidden Fees

Join The enTouch Wireless Family!

You deserve the best phone and the best service! That
is what we are committed to delivering to you!


Is is really 100% free?

Yes! Qualifying individuals receive Free cell phone service. Click here to enroll today to see if you qualify!

If you qualify for programs like CalFresh, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Food Stamps, or meet California Lifeline Guidelines for low income you may qualify for Free Service. Enroll Today!

View all Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Lifeline assistance program?

Lifeline is a government benefit that provides free cell phone service for eligible customers. For individuals who qualify, Lifeline is a crucial communications tool, serving as a universal solution designed to facilitate access to essential services and maintain connections with family and friends.

To ensure eligible Americans have access to critical communication services the Federal Communication Commission established the Lifeline Assistance service in 1985.

While ACP and Lifeline are separate government benefits, enrolling for service with enTouch Wireless allows you to initiate your application for both Lifeline and ACP benefits. Most individuals who qualify for the Lifeline government program also may qualify for ACP.

How easy is it to sign up?

Yes, enrolling with enTouch Wireless Lifeline cell service is easy!

The Online Enrollment form is easy to use and will walk you through each step of the process. Click here to Enroll Today!

If you qualify for programs like CalFresh, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Food Stamps or are considered Low Income, you likely qualify! Learn more about Lifeline and qualification.

You can also enroll by mail with a paper application. Click here to view the Paper Application options.

What is the Lifeline Benefit quality of service?

While enTouch provides Free service through the Lifeline program to eligible customers, enTouch uses the same technology and connections as non-Lifeline cell phone providers. You will receive great, reliable service! Click here to check coverage in your area. With a reputable phone or internet company for Lifeline support, you can get bundled services, including talk, text, and data for free! Don’t worry about the cost of phone services anymore with Lifeline. Get started with your Lifeline application today.

View all Frequently Asked Questions.

What is a Lifeline Government Phone?

A government phone is a service made available through a government program to help people afford phone service. It’s a federal program created to reduce the monthly cost of phone and internet services to eligible subscribers, which also includes the possibility of getting a free phone from the Lifeline provider as part of the service.

View all Frequently Asked Questions.


What Happened To ACP?

Qualify by income and provide one of the following as proof.

  • Prior Year’s State, Federal or Tribal Tax Return
  • Unemployment/Workers' Compensation Benefits Statement
  • Divorce Decree or Child Support Documents
  • Veterans Administration Benefits Statement
  • Current Income Statement from Employer or Paycheck Stubs
  • Retirement/Pension Benefits Statement
  • Social Security Benefits Statement

Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)

BIA Award letter, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Name of the beneficiary
  • Address of the beneficiary
  • Date of the award

Tribal Head Start

Head Start Award letter, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Name of the beneficiary
  • Address of the beneficiary
  • Date of the award

Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

TANF Award letter, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Name of the beneficiary
  • Address of the beneficiary
  • Date of the award

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Notice of Action (award letter) acknowledging eligibility for FDPIR benefits;

  • Name of the beneficiary;
  • The beginning and ending dates of the award or certification period; and
  • The telephone number of the Food Distribution Program office, and the name and address of the person to contact for additional information.


FDPIR participation documents(e.g., a benefit card or copy of a benefit card);

  • Name of the beneficiary
  • The beginning and ending dates of the award or certification period; and
  • The telephone number of the Food Distribution Program office, and the name and address of the person to contact for additional information.

Lifeline Program

Due to sharing many of the same eligibility requirements those currently enrolled in the lifeline program may qualify for The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) also.


Medi-Cal / Medicaid

Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Address of the beneficiary, and
  • Date of the award


Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary
  • Medical Identification number, OR
  • Case number,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status

CalFresh / Food Stamps / SNAP

Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status


Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool, should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Case number,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status

Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit

Pension Grant Letter should contain the following basic information:

  • Participant’s name
  • Address
  • A decision about the participant’s monthly entitlement amount
  • Payment start date

Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)

FPHA award letter should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Date of the award,
  • Name of the beneficiary, and
  • Award amount.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Approval Letter or Benefit Statement issued by the SSA or on SSA letterhead.

  • Consumer’s name
  • Date
  • Eligibility Date
  • Claim number OR Other consumer identification number
  • Payment amount

Medicaid / Medi-Cal

Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Address of the beneficiary, and
  • Date of the award


Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary
  • Medical Identification number, OR
  • Case number,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status

SNAP / Food Stamps / CalFresh

Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status


Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool should contain the following basic information:

  • Name of the program or state equivalent,
  • Name of the beneficiary,
  • Case number,
  • Eligibility dates, OR
  • Current participation status