Many states offer specially trained communication assistants and services to facilitate telephone calls to/from people with hearing, speech, or other disabilities. Below are state-specific resources for how to use the TRS and/or request specialized equipment.
*All forms of ID must be valid and used before expiration date.
Qualify by income and provide one of the following as proof.
BIA Award letter, should contain the following basic information:
Head Start Award letter, should contain the following basic information:
TANF Award letter, should contain the following basic information:
Notice of Action (award letter) acknowledging eligibility for FDPIR benefits;
FDPIR participation documents(e.g., a benefit card or copy of a benefit card);
Due to sharing many of the same eligibility requirements those currently enrolled in the lifeline program may qualify for The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) also.
Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter, should contain the following basic information:
Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool, should contain the following basic information:
Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter, should contain the following basic information:
Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool, should contain the following basic information:
Pension Grant Letter should contain the following basic information:
FPHA award letter should contain the following basic information:
Approval Letter or Benefit Statement issued by the SSA or on SSA letterhead.
Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter should contain the following basic information:
Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool should contain the following basic information:
Program Approval Letter, Benefit Statement, or Verification of Coverage Letter should contain the following basic information:
Eligibility Screenshot or printout from an online portal or website tool should contain the following basic information: